Importance of blood donation pdf

Donating blood is one of the most common ways people choose to give back to their communities, and the demand for blood in hospitals is always high. Today, june 14th we are celebrating world blood donation day every year. Type ab, the universal plasma donors blood can be given to any patient needing plasma. Donating blood has benefits for your emotional and physical health.

The most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an untimely death if the need is not fulfilled immediately. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine. The day is now celebrated each year throughout the world on 14 june to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation and recognize the contribution of. One blood donation provides different blood components that can help up to three different people. A healthcare professional will check your blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and hemoglobin.

The primary function of rbc is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Your blood pressure and iron levels will be checked through a small prick on the finger. Despite medical and technological advances, blood cannot be made, so donations are the only way we can give blood to those who need it. Many factors determine ones ability to donate blood, as well as a patients ability to receive blood.

One of many advantages of donating blood is that blood donation can reduce the. According to the american red cross, while approximately 38 percent of the u. The winter is a common time of year when the american red cross encourages blood donationsjanuary is actually national blood donor month. Benefits of blood donation importance of blood donation. Jehovahs witnesses are not opposed to organ donation or transplantation, so long as the organs are first. Blood has a short shelf life, up to 42 days for red blood cells but only five days for platelets. On average, adults have about 10 pints of blood circulating through their bodies. Blood donation is one of the single most important contributions a person can make in saving the lives of others.

The actual donation process only takes 10 to 15 minutes. Withdrawal of blood for transfusion is regarded as a safe procedure now and blood donor has emerged as the single most vital link. Make sure you eat first and drink plenty of liquids. The findings from both these studies support those of giles and cairns giles and cairns, 1995 proving that the theory is a useful predictor of blood donating intentions and behaviour. Soon after the regeneration of blood process will starts. Report on the promotion by member states of voluntary unpaid blood donation pdf. A pleasant environment in the blood bank, good donor care, polite and effective communication between staff and donors are all important factors for the retention. It is important that blood donation takes place in a hospital, a clinic or a blood bank, in the presence of medical experts. Keeping in mind that a single trauma patient in the emergency room may need more than 20 units of red blood the equivalent of 20 donations, the need for donors is always present. Some blood types like o and ab are rarer than the others. During a regular blood donation, we can give around 470 ml of whole blood.

Learn more about our nations blood needs and blood supply. Donating blood will decrease the excessive amount of stored. In order to raise the awareness about the importance of blood donation, every year,june 14 is celebrated as world blood donar day. To investigate possible effects of blood donation and iron loss through blood donation on cancer incidence while minimizing healthy donor effects, we made doseresponse comparisons within a. If you are thinking of giving blood but need a bit more convincing, let us assist you. Therefore, many people who are always do donating blood regularly for the sake of helping people, also getting benefits. Many hospitals and clinics are in constant need of the blood for different purposes. In such cases, if adequate amount of blood is readily available in a blood bank, patients can be smoothly treated. Importance of blood donation blood donation is a voluntary practice that helps those in need of blood transfusion due to some accident or illness.

The importance of donating blood crisp regional hospital. So enjoy reading the articles on importance of blood donation pdf and share your thougts. Therefore, blood donation results in a healthier body that raises our life span. Donating your blood is definitely an act of goodness. About one in seven people entering a hospital needs blood. Donating blood useful for their both health, including reduced cancer risk and hemochromatosis. The department of health and human services recognizes blood as one of the safety and security components pdf, 72 kb within the emergency support function of the national security framework. However, there are plenty of positive reasons to give blood and lives can be saved in the process.

A minimum of 1,000 donations are required every day to meet quebecers needs. Many people still believe that donating blood can affect adversely to their health. A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions. Only 3% of quebecers who are eligible to give blood make a donation to the collective blood supply managed by hemaquebec. One in three australians will need blood or blood products in their lifetime, but only 3. So vital is this substance, hospitals and blood banks can never have too much on hand. One blood donation could help up to three patients. Frequently asked questions on blood donation 5 q 7. There are four types of transfusable products that can be derived from blood. We often hear about the importance of donating blood as it relates to the recipients. Patients helped by blood donations red cross blood services. The donor does not physically benefit from the donation, thus the donor should be exposed to as little harm as possible, in compliance with the principle of nonmaleficence.

Despite the high demand and the general recognition of its importance, only about a fourth of the people who are able to donate blood do. The entire process of donating blood, from registration through refreshments, takes about an hour. Importance of blood donation essay, speech, debate. We were not sure if we were able to have children and after 5 years of trying with not avail, chase was born. A person ready to donate ones blood should register and undergo a short checkup pulse, temperature, blood pressure, etc. This website offers information on importance of blood donation pdf. They are characterized by the presence of haemoglobin hgb, an iron containing protein. Why blood donations are so important orlando health. A healthy blood donor can donate red blood cells every 56 days, or can donate plasma every 7 days with a limit of 24 times a year. There are four major blood groups determined by the presence or absence of two antigens a and b on the surface of red blood cells. The blood donation process is quick, easy, and painless. While youre reading this, a local patient needs blood. A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions andor made into biopharmaceutical medications by a process called fractionation separation of whole blood components.

Typically, two or three of these are produced from a pint of donated whole blood hence each donation can help save more. It is important to feel well on the day you give blood. For the rest of us, we assume heroes and life savers are left for televisions and the big screens. In simple terms, the act of giving blood will not only increase your selfesteem but will also allow you to really make a difference. Donor and blood drive organizer there is no danger of contracting a disease by donating blood.

So ahead of the world blood donor day taking place tuesday we have invited sanbs communications manager, vanessa raju to come in and tell us about the importance of blood donation. Importance of blood donation essay 709 words bartleby. Donor should be between 1855 years of age with a weight of 50 kg or above with pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure should be normal. Blood banking refers to the process of collecting, separating, and storing blood. I will make you aware of the questionnaire and procedures used during the blood donation process. Blood will be drawn using a safe, sterile needle, and the process takes about 10 minutes. Importance of blood donation short paragraphessay for. There are many instances when lives ould not be saved because the matching blood donor was not available, especially for o group people. Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from.

Did you know every 80 seconds, someone in quebec needs blood. Only five percent of americans donate blood yearly, and time, fear, and lack of knowledge regarding blood type may all play a factor. Just imagine the number of lives that can be saved if more people donate blood. Code of ethics approved at general assembly copenhagen 20th june 2017 4 3. The donors race or ethnic background is sometimes important since certain blood types, especially rare ones, are more common in.

The earliest documentation of blood transfusion is found in the religious text of many civilizations. Jehovahs witnesses are not opposed to organ donation or transplantation, so long as the organs are first emptied of all blood source. Nov 05, 2008 blood donation is the simplest way to save a life. Jun 26, 2012 importance of blood donation blood contains cells called the erythrocytes rbc, leucocytes wbc and platelets suspended in a straw coloured fluid called the plasma. Sep 14, 20 a blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions andor made into biopharmaceutical medications by a process called fractionation separation of whole blood components. As argued by boyle 20, the lifesaving power of blood donation can hardly be overestimated, as it helps hospitals to deliver holistic and timely care. The best reason to donate is that you will be helping others, which is the most selfless act you can do. Ppt blood donation powerpoint presentation free to. Along with helping save lives, there are a number of reasons why donating blood is important. According to a report by the mental health foundation, helping others can.

Your blood could be the one thing that saves someones life, and this. Importance of blood donation short paragraphessay for students. Blood services provide blood for patients and information and advice to clinicians to support the appropriate use of blood. Jul 20, 2017 withdrawal of blood for transfusion is regarded as a safe procedure now and blood donor has emerged as the single most vital link. Importance of blood donation essay 869 words 4 pages. The importance of blood donation blood is the life force flowing through the veins of every living being on the planet. This occupies nearly 8 or 9 percent of the average blood volume of an adult person. If a person is considering being a blood donor, it is important that they understand the steps involved in the process. Importance of blood donation why blood donation is. Jan 14, 2015 the winter is a common time of year when the american red cross encourages blood donationsjanuary is actually national blood donor month. All donated blood is tested for hepatitis b and c, hiv. Blood is always needed for treatment of accident victims, cancer patients, hemophiliacs and surgery patients.

Blood donation keeps the patient alive by providing a supplementary blood transfusion activity so that they can live a longer life instead of dying from blood loss. A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days, or double red cells every 112 days. The importance of donating blood blog essential med. Code of ethics relating to transfusion medicine purpose. Every year, quebec hospitals use nearly 250,000 units of blood.

The importance of donating blood essay 1578 words bartleby. The first documented demonstration of blood transfusion was between two dogs by richard lower in 1665. Consistent with this we affirm the importance of the principle of voluntary nonremunerated donation as the basis for the establishment and development of blood services. Pdf on dec 1, 2017, nazish saqlain and others published blood donation. In this blog, we share the importance of blood donation and the benefits one can get out of it. Blood must be constantly and regularly collected from donors in the community. There are many benefits of blood donation to your health. Importance of being a blood donor doctors health press. After 911, a task force was set up to create a crisis. That is why it is a decent idea to donate blood that can help other people. Rise of quantity of blood blood isnt merely needed in case of injuries or accidents but also for plasma or platelets required by a patient.

Predonation information is an important step in the blood donor selection. As humanity demands, we must involve in the humble job of blood donation. Today, you will receive many aspects of blood donation. In our society with respect for the donor, blood donation is important because it help to replace old blood products into new blood products.

There was a lack of knowledge about certain important. Every two seconds someone needs blood and every pint of blood can save several lives. What you need to know for those in the medical industry, the possibility of saving someones life is a very real possibility. Group a has only the a antigen on red cells and b antibody in the plasma group b has only the b antigen on red cells and a antibody in the plasma powerpoint ppt presentation free. As stewards of the nations blood supply, it is essential that call for social distancing measures s explicitly exclude blood donation activities to ensure critical patient needs continue to be met.

Theyll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that todays audiences expect. The importance of donating blood the birth of chase changed our lives forever. Pdf on oct 19, 2017, muharib alruwaili and others published the benefits of donating. Home request blood blood banks donor registration facts importance eye donation contact us.

Pdf health benefits of blood donation florabel sera josef. Ethical principles relating to donors the autonomy and dignity of the donor, including potential donors, must be respected at all times. The demand for donated blood in our nations hospitals, however, is consistently high. Blood donation is so straightforward that there is no excuse not to do it. Blood donor recruitment remains an important worldwide challenge due to changes in population demographics. Along with helping save lives, there are number of reasons why donating blood is important. The amish support organ donation if theres a relative certainty of success for the recipient, but theyre more reluctant if the probable outcome is questionable. Make an even greater impact for patients in need by giving an ab elite plasma donation. Importance of blood donation and its benefits seruds. This global framework for action to achieve 100% voluntary blood donation is designed to provide guidance and support to countries seeking to establish effective voluntary blood donor programmes, phase out familyreplacement blood donation and eliminate paid donation. In the first study, for example, 76% of the variance in blood donating intention was explained, with selfefficacy proving to be a more important predictor than. What is the importance of knowing the blood groups. Blood donors have been found to be 88 percent less likely to suffer from a heart attack.

He was so tiny and fragile, but the love we had for our son was enormous. Making sure you fully understand all elements of the process and the importance of being honest on the questionnaire. Importance of blood donation blood contains cells called the erythrocytes rbc, leucocytes wbc and platelets suspended in a straw coloured fluid called the plasma. Health benefits of blood donation regularly are numerous, especially if you donating blood regularly and periodically. Today, blood banks collect blood and separate it into its various components so they can be used most effectively according to the needs of the patient.